免費下載 –「探索澳洲葡萄酒」繁體中文教育資源



推出「探索澳洲葡萄酒」繁體中文網頁 教育資源免費下載


澳洲葡萄酒協會(Wine Australia)與澳洲辦事處攜手合作,推出繁體中文版本的「探索澳洲葡萄酒(Australian Wine Discovered)」網頁,提供完全免費的線上教育資源;有興趣深入了解澳洲葡萄酒知識的酒商或消費者,都可以直接下載相關課程內容與工具。



「探索澳洲葡萄酒」可謂目前世界上最佳的免費葡萄酒知識網站,曾被澳洲葡萄酒傳播協會(Wine Communicators Australia)評選為「最佳葡萄酒網站」、以及榮獲英國權威酒評雜誌The Drinks Business「年度最佳商務行銷企劃案(Best Trade Campaign)」獎項。換言之,你不需為葡萄酒專家或擁有任何專業證照都可使用這個資源,所有資源可自由於任何時間下載。 「探索澳洲葡萄酒」教材與課程亦支援多國語言介面,包含日語、韓語、繁體中文、印尼語、泰語和越南語;目前已有超過 120 個國家的葡萄酒相關從業人員下載並應用這些資源。

更多資訊,請前往「探索澳洲葡萄酒」繁體中文網頁查詢: https://www.wineaustralia.com/zh-tw/australian-wine-discovered-traditional-chinese


Free Education Resources on Australian Wine Discovered Are Now Available in Traditional Chinese for Taiwan

Australian Wine Discovered is Wine Australia’s free education resource which provides information and tools for trade professionals to discover and share Australian wine.

Australian Office in Taipei has partnered with Wine Australia to ensure these free education resources on Australian wine are now available in Traditional Chinese.

Australian Wine Discovered is all you need to know about Australian wine in one place; it’s free to use and allows for self-paced learning. Australian Wine Discovered was awarded the Best Trade Campaign Award at the Drink Business International Awards in London in 2019, and Best Wine Website by Wine Communicators Australia.

In addition to the Introduction to wine and Foundations of Australian wine presentations, key information on Australian regions and grape varieties is available.

Education materials, including editable PowerPoint presentations, notes, tasting mats and certificates of attendance, are suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced, and can be tailored for your audience. It’s easier than ever to train your team, prepare for an event, sell more effectively or simply continue your own wine education.

Explore Australian wine and download free information, education tools and resources at https://www.wineaustralia.com/zh-tw/australian-wine-discovered-traditional-chinese

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